Pathogen: Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Contamination route: Human-to-human transmission via direct drip infection (coughing and sneezing) and aerosols during aerosol-forming operations
Incubation time: 2-14 days (average 5-6 days)
Infectious period: Not yet fully known. At least during the symptomatic phase, after which the virus can be detected in the throat / faeces for longer by PCR
Measures: Reporting obligation group A; source and contact research; insulation and further measures on indication
Symptoms : Mild respiratory complaints with fever to severe pneumonia and dyspnea
This CONCEPT guideline is intended for GGD ‘and and hospitals and indicates how to treat a patient with (suspected) COVID-19. This information is regularly updated; refreshing the app and web page before use is recommended.