Dojindo’s HilyMax transfection reagent, distributed by the Microtech company, was tested by Dr. Yuri D’Alessandra, a researcher at the Immunology and Functional Genomics laboratories of the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan.
The HilyMax reagent test on HL-1 cells
The HilyMax transfection reagent test performed on immortalized tumor cell lines (HeLa), widely used in scientific research, and on atrial cardiomyocytes (HL-1) used for the study of many human heart diseases, has given significant and satisfactory results compared to the results obtained with other transfect agents. HeLa and HL-1 cells were seeded in 24-well plates, following the Dojindo protocol and transfected with 0.5 micrograms / well of eGFP pCDNA 3.1 vector (containing a human gene of interest).
Results beyond all expectations
Since a very weak green fluorescence signal was detected by fluorescence microscopy, the evaluation of the expression of the GFP and the mRNA of the gene of interest was made by RT-qPCR. Both HeLa and HL-1 showed a very strong expression of the gene of interest. It should be emphasized that, by transfecting a human ORF, it was possible to determine that 100% of the levels of gene expression detected were due to the success of the transfection. The experiment was performed a second time with HL-1 cells in triplicate with overlapping results.
No previous attempt to transfect HL-1 cells with transfectants or electroporation has yielded comparable results.